Dad’s are native to Home Depot, while lesbians are actually native to Lowe’s, but they can share territory. Lumberjacks though, like most megafauna species require more space than even a big box store can provide. “Free-roaming lumberjacks are the cryptids of the Hardware ecosystem.” You know what, just read the post, it’s just science you guys:

Source: midrashic
(via: Vellum and Vinyl)
Then there are the engineering students. Which are similar to each of their cousins in turn and possess a few quirks of their own. Similar to beavers they will attempt to modify their environment. They are both social and solitary. They will often face the conundrum of ‘can something be done’, sometimes completely neglecting the question if it ‘SHOULD be done’. Capable of great feats of both harm and help. For science.
and the cosplayers a spesific subcatagory of crafter who will travel between craft hardware and textile stores in search of suplies they will often be spoted comparing items in stores to photos or even tryign on items for fit (esp strange to see when in piping)
I’ve never heard of quilters described as “domesticated”. Most that I have observed are semi nocturnal and quite wild, tho they do occasionally form group associations for resource gathering, kind of like bears at a salmon run.