Dads Who Say “Having All Girls Is a Nightmare”

These women shared their sad stories of having their father’s say shitty, misogynist things to them about how having all girls is a “nightmare”, or telling their daughters they can’t do things because they’re female, etc. I get that sometimes people are just joking around about this, but these childhood stories seem seriously sexist and just sad. Also even joking like this is deeply rooted in sexism against women. Parents should never put their kids down in this way or make them feel less than. This is just sad and I hope as a society we can do better.

Dads Who Say Having All Girls Is a Nightmare

Dads Who Say Having All Girls Is a Nightmare

Dads Who Say Having All Girls Is a Nightmare

(via: The Feminist Project)

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2 thoughts on “Dads Who Say “Having All Girls Is a Nightmare”

  1. Sounds like nightmare parents. You can only do better and break the cycle. It’s not often you can get the parents to stop interfering kids development and causing the damage. I will say though that the girl/boy thing occurs across both sexs. A few of the situations where validation or different treatment would be key are incredibly sought after by both boys and girls. Getting that feedback and recognition is craved.

  2. My father once, in my hearing…as in I was right next to him…made the following comment. Someone said “I heard you finally had a son.” (Three girls before that) and his response was “well, you keep trying till you get it right.” Fortunately, as an adult, I was able to talk to him about that and got a sincere apology (no “I never said that,” or “that’s not what I meant”) but a sincere and heartfelt apology. It was nice to hear, but as you can imagine…the years in between were rather…trying.

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