Danger Scale Writing Prompt About The Justice League

These responses to this writing prompt about being able to “see” a person’s danger rating on a number scale of 1-10 are amazing! They incorporate the superheroes from DC‘s Justice League Clark Kent aka Superman, Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne aka Batman and more…

Danger Scale Writing Prompt About The Justice League

Danger Scale Writing Prompt About The Justice League

Danger Scale Writing Prompt About The Justice League

Source: Writing Prompts

11 thoughts on “Danger Scale Writing Prompt About The Justice League

  1. So I had a better idea for Alfred:
    You get the break of a lifetime when the paper decides to do a human-interest piece on Bruce Wayne. Lois is covering some big thing that Superman is doing, and so you get the added bonus of being the only one to know why Clark isn’t available. Turns out you’re the next pick, which means not only do you get to interview a superhero, you get to go to that hero’s palatial mansion.
    You pull up to the door, telling yourself over and over not to be star-struck. The door is answered by an older gentleman with a British accent — a butler or something. You don’t really take notice; you’re still trying not to freak out over getting to interview THE Batman, uh, THE Bruce Wayne.
    “Master Bruce will be down shortly,” the Brit says. “May I get you some refreshment while you wait?”
    You look at him for the first time. Then you REALLY look at him, and you freeze.

    He has no number.

    EVERYBODY has a number. All of the Justice League have numbers. And this no-name, behind-the-scenes servant, has NO NUMBER.
    You didn’t realize, until this point, how comforting it was to know what any given individual was capable of.

    1. As you stare at Alfred your mouth semi handing open. His gaze focuses ever so slightly more upon you and raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry miss you will need to speak up these old ears didn’t quite catch that”.
      His number
      up to a 1.

      Just out of the blue. I start coughing and have a little internal struggle. Internal monologue: “oh damnit his number just changed I have seen 2 efffing 2 2 2 2 2 people with changing numbers in 24 hours. What do I do?” Trying to regain composer I draw myself up and nod. “Yes please do you have ice water? I might need to sit down a minute I feel a little dizzy.”

  2. Is this connected to the universe what Alfred beats the piss out of superman? To avenge batman who super man pretty much offed.

  3. Jimmy Olsen’s number should fluctuate wildly!
    Elastic Lad, Werewolf, Turtle Man, Gorilla Brain, Giant Brain, Alien Olsen…

  4. Things got weird later on, first, that detective Jones, shows up with a 10. A freaking detective! He looked at you with a knowing smile, and said. “We are all in the same boat, don’t we?”
    A week later, you are in Italy, on holiday, and there’s a cat with a 10! What kind of cat gets a 10?? The cat winked at you. Not the slaw way cats sometime do, it was a fast wink, and you could swear the cat was smiling!
    An old woman from Uruguay too, she came to Metropolis for a conference on poetry, for Pete’s sake! Another 10. And another wink.
    A Japanese exchange student, with the stereotypical sailor uniform, 10 too! Yep, she winked!
    What’s going on??
    A street urchin in Río de Janeiro! At least that one was from a human interest story sent in a tape.


    That’s the Martian Manhunter, going from secret identity to secret identity (all those identities were pre-Flashpoint canon, BTW). Being a telepath and a shapeshifter, he thought pranking the protagonist would be a good way to keep the situation under control.

  5. And then you learn something you didn’t previously realize about your power: The number you see above a person’s head measures how dangerous they are to YOU, and you alone.

  6. And then you learn something about this power you have: The numbers you see above a person’s head reflect the danger they pose to YOU. You alone.
    You begin to question your self-image as a good person.

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