lullabyknell wrote this awesome Star Wars fan fic about Darth Vader unexpectedly paying a visit to Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and of course his “nephew” Luke Skywalker:

Internet & Geek Culture
lullabyknell wrote this awesome Star Wars fan fic about Darth Vader unexpectedly paying a visit to Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and of course his “nephew” Luke Skywalker:
Many Star Wars fans have wondered why Obi-Wan Kenobi decided to take Luke Skywalker to Tatooine to hide him from Darth Vader. Most people assumed it was because that's where Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru lived and they were willing to take care of Luke. But actually, this Star Wars…
Wow, this is true! Since Steve Rogers aka Captain America was frozen in ice for 66 years from 1945 to 2011, one of the many things he missed was the original Star Wars trilogy! This is a great little fan fic by thelibrarina about how Tony Stark almost spoilers it…
LOL! DAMN IT DARTH!! ElectricBunnyComics makes us laugh with this silly Star Wars comic about Darth Vader and his obsessions with carbonite freezing: Artist: ElectricBunnyComics