Cosplayer, part time princess, full time nerd Katrina looks amazing rocking her Death Star from Star Wars inspired gown! This is a super creative and awesome idea and here’s what she had to say about it:
“I’m a big Star Wars fan, and have done a lot of Star Wars cosplays over the years, and the more I cosplay the more I realize I prefer making my own creative designs than to recreate accurate costumes from the movies (I love it too, just not as much). I had the idea to make a death star ballgown a few months back and made everything except the corset. The helmet was quite a challenge and out of my usual sewing comfort zone and I loved make the little details like the tie fighter hair piece. Definitely looking forward to doing my own star wars creative design in the future.”

Model / Costume: Katrina
Photographer: Ryan Fisher
(via: Geek Girls)