LOL! This is a huge collection of silly deep thoughts with The Deep memes. The Deep is a “superhero” from the tv show The Boys who can breathe underwater and communicate with sea creatures. Anyway these are amusing, and if you like this sort of thing check out these Random Shower Thoughts too!

Source: Geek News Network
It actually would be called a marsquake. It IS double V in French.
I believe Fridge come from the label Frigdaire, not the refrigerator.
*Cracks knuckles*
-If you punch yourself and it hurts — really hurts — you have managed to overcome your body’s natural instincts, so you’re pretty strong and may also need therapy for self-destructive behaviors.
-Blinking is (usually) involuntary and winking voluntary, no matter how many eyes you have. Counter-shower-thought: If you involuntarily close one eye, is it a wink or half a blink?
-An octopus is poisonous if eaten, and venomous if it injects toxins into you. This is also true of any poisonous/venomous animal — if you eat a venomous snake and die, technically it was poisonous too.
Regarding towels, dirt is like any other matter — it can’t be created or destroyed, only transferred.
-A mirror is white or silver, behind clear glass. This is what helps create its reflective properties.
-Deaf people generally think in pictures.
-An ATM would only be a time machine if money were time. Evidently time is money but it doesn’t work in reverse.
-Female king cobras are called “madam” if you have enough manners to avoid being eaten.
-Baptism doesn’t get you into heaven — it is, according to mainstream Christian teachings, a public demonstration of the faith in Jesus as Savior which DOES get you into heaven. As to dogs going there, well, they’re very trusting creatures. So furries, lacking the innate capabilities for trust despite identifying as dogs, should place their faith in Jesus and then, if they so desire, demonstrate it through baptism.
-People’s opinions of monthly subscription fees do kind of explain corporations’ opinions of salaries here.
-In many languages, especially Latin-based ones, W is “double V”. But English is the language of rebellion.
-Replacing the “W” with a “T” also works for “Wherefore”, MODERN READERS OF ROMEO AND JULIET.
-If a fly can’t fly anymore, it generally becomes an insectivore’s next meal.
If you made it to the end of these, I hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!