Soul-ette Cosplay looks amazing cosplaying as Demona from the Gargoyles tv show! If you don’t recall, Gargoyles is a cartoon from the 1990’s about a species of nocturnal creatures known as gargoyles that turn to stone during the day. After spending a thousand years in an enchanted petrified state, the gargoyles are reawakened in modern-day New York City, and take on roles as the city’s secret night-time protectors. The cartoon still holds up today and if you haven’t seen the show in ages it can now be watched on Disney+! Demona, who was voiced by Marina Sirtis of Star Trek fame, was one of the primary antagonists of the series. Demona was once Goliath’s mate and was part of their 10th century AD castle’s Wyvern Clan. Here is an epic Goliath cosplay that she would look amazing with!
Anyway, she really nailed this classic cosplay, the wings are really awesome! Cyberfox007 Photography shot these wonderful photos. Here’s a little bio about the cosplayer: “Hello! I’m Soul-ette, a cosplayer from Canada. I’m an artist, anime fan, gamer and a hippie, minus the drugs.”

“If you are not my ally, then you are my enemy.” -Demona, Awakening part five

Cosplayer: Soul-ette Cosplay
Photographer: Cyberfox007 Photography