Sam Dylan Finch posted this insightful thread describing what it’s like living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). And like they said, “ADHD isn’t some silly, ‘whoops, I lost my keys again!’ disorder. And I wish more people understood that”. Here is the thread:

Source: Sam Dylan Finch
(via: Vancouver ADHD Coaching)
Do you struggle with ADHD? Let us know your stories in the comments below!
He must have a VERY severe case. I have it and only take my Ritalin on days I work, and I’m just fine.
This just changed my life. They are literally describing my life, and I didn’t realise that I didn’t have to live this way. Today is Day 2 of being on my new ADHD meds, and it’s like I’m an entirely different person. I haven’t felt this good in, probably, seven years. Thank you for sharing this. Thank you so, so much <3
Wow you just described what my life is like daily. I am thinking I really need to stop forgetting to make the appointment to get tested.