Do Women Talk Too Much?

Do women talk too much? Hint: Science says no. But of course, despite this I can guarantee you that men reading this thread will comment here or on facebook to chime in to mansplain how wrong this is and how females actually do talk to much. The irony. Anyway, a really great scientific article to read about this is PBS’s Language as Prejudice – Language Myth # 6. Here is an excerpt: Despite the widespread belief that women talk more than men, most of the available evidence suggests just the opposite. When women and men are together, it is the men who talk most. Two Canadian researchers, Deborah James and Janice Drakich, reviewed sixty-three studies which examined the amount of talk used by American women and men in different contexts. Women talked more than men in only two studies.

(Edit from OP: I can’t believe I got her name wrong multiple times. The researcher in question is Dale Spender and the original publication of this research was called Man Made Language, 1980.)


(via: MEME)

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