A tumblr user posted this prompt for artists to draw some fantasy fan art of fat elves and the results are super cute! The response from eager artists was just fantastic! There’s curvy elves, plump elves, thicc elves, chubby elves, elves of all shapes and sizes.
It refreshing to see since elves in the fantasy genre are almost always portrayed as tall and thin. There’s no reason some elves might not have a change of diet or lifestyle and gain a few pounds. Especially if they joined the human world! Regardless of people’s lame excuses as to why elves “can’t” be different sizes, it’s nice to see some curvy thicc elf ladies and gents. Fan art showing different takes on traditional things is always fun and so is body positivity!

Artists: draconym, hattedhedgehog, steffydoodles, only-half-human, slack-water, rainingtangerines & blueskittles-art
(via: Geek Girls)