LOL! But a Jape drew this silly “Drawing Blood” fantasy comic about some adventurers who come across a door sealed with blood magic that requires a blood offering. The ending is quite amusing. You can support the artist on Patreon and also follow them on Instagram or Twitter. Here is a little bit about the artist and his work:
“Hey there! I’m James and I’m the creator of the webcomic But a Jape, what is essentially a dumping ground of my various thoughts on life, the world, and art – but in picture form! I write and illustrate comics about everyday anxieties, historical trivia, and amusing scenarios I imagine while reading classical literature or playing video games.
I’ve also started a spin-off comic, Feitr’s Guild – a comedic fantasy series about the ostensibly heroic Feitr Sordsmann and his team of adventurers. This is where I like to make jokes about various fantasy, anime, and video game tropes.”

More notes from the artist about this “Drawing Blood” comic:
“For your convenience, please use the sterilized syringes provided within this compartment.”
-translation of the ancient text on the altar
I want to see a story where some scary wizards enact a blood oath by – instead of cutting their palms and then grasping hands – cutting their hips and giving each other a little hip bump. Wait a minute, I’m a writer now – I can write that scene myself.
Support the artist on Patreon!
Artist: But a Jape – Instagram – Twitter