LOL! Baalbuddy (who draws dank pictures of lewd elves and dabbing orcs) drew this centaur comic for a Patreon request for size mechanics in the D&D Theros campaign. It was colorized by HIMEROSY:

Line Art / Concept: Baalbuddy
Internet & Geek Culture
LOL! Baalbuddy (who draws dank pictures of lewd elves and dabbing orcs) drew this centaur comic for a Patreon request for size mechanics in the D&D Theros campaign. It was colorized by HIMEROSY:
Line Art / Concept: Baalbuddy
LOL! Twistwood made this funny "Adventure Choice" comic about a cursed chicken man adventurer in a tabletop game of Dungeons & Dragons. Twistwood also writes and illustrates the web comic Twistwood Tales, which tells the stories of all the strange beings that live within the Twistwood Forest. You can support them on their Patreon. Here…
LOL! This glorious Dungeons & Dragons web comic is written by Jasmine Walls and illustrated by Mimi Phillips! It's a story of fate and unlikely love and it's beautiful. ♥ It's an oldie but a goodie, so if you haven't seen it before, enjoy! If you have seen it you're most likely reading…
LOL! Electric Bunny Comics drew this amusing Dungeons & Dragons comic titled "DnD Riddles". It shows her character.. er.. "solving" a riddle, hehe. This is relatable because it's exactly how my fighter solves problems in D&D too: Artist: Electric Bunny Comics