lotshusband posted this neat idea for a Dungeons & Dragons paladin character concept. If you don’t know, the paladin is a character class in the tabletop role-playing game D&D. Paladins are holy warriors, dedicated to upholding justice, protecting the innocent, and smiting evil. They are one of the few classes in the game that can serve as both tanks and healers, making them a versatile addition to any adventuring party. Paladins are held to a strict code of conduct, known as the Oath, which requires them to act with honor and righteousness at all times. Breaking their oath can lead to the loss of their powers, and even expulsion from the paladin order. Here is the concept for a unique paladin character:

Source: lotshusband
Sounds like Elminster.
I love those books. Elminster stayed devoted to Mystra, even when she wasn’t the Mystra he knew first. And he helped her chosen to be her replacement. Ed Greenwood is one of my favorite authors. So is Elaine Cunningham.
I may be treading on some toes, and I promise it’s not intentional, but the first post at least is Christianity at its finest, except that Christians hold that God came to earth as a man to understand humanity and its struggles and shortcomings (but without sin).
Following out of connection? Check. Prayer is automatic and personal? Check and check. Vows are easy to keep? Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Impossible-to-manufacture devotion, born of intimacy? Jesus prayed that his disciples would be one with each other and with God, even as He and God are one in nature.
Again, not trying to start debates or bash anybody else’s faith, but as a Christian I have much in common with this paladin.
Welcome at my gaming table ANY time.