LOL! Eirinnske Comics drew this funny comic about a Dungeons & Dragons party trying to solve the final puzzle in a dungeon. This is pretty relatable, defeating the Demilich is nothing compared to this impossible puzzle, haha! There is also a bonus panel for those who support the artist on Patreon!

Support the artist on Patreon!
Artist: Eirinnske Comics
Step 1- Carefully check for traps.
Step 2- Attempt to just open the door, carefully checking for traps.
Step 3(assuming the door was locked)- carefully pick the lock while carefully checking for traps.
Step 4(assuming you didn’t manage to pick the lock)- attempt to break down the door, carefully checking for traps.
Step 5(assuming you didn’t manage to break down the door)- attempt to break down the wall *next* to the door, since it is shockingly common for people to go to the trouble of making doors super secure and not even bothering to reinforce the walls (this is also a fun life-hack IRL, most walls are SUPER easy to just go through, so if the door is giving you trouble, try the wall*).
*DISCLAIMER: This fun life-hack is only intended to be used IRL if/when you actually have the legal right to be on the other side of that door/wall AND you have the legal right to get there by whatever means necessary. If it is not your private property and you do not have the explicit permission of the property owners to perform these activities you should absolutely not pick locks or break through walls, no matter how cool it may be. I am in no way recommending anybody go out and commit crimes, no matter how useful this advice may be for such activity. Don’t commit crimes and don’t be a jerk.