LOL! This is an amusing reddit thread that answers the question posted to r/AskReddit: “What’s the best euphemism for telling people that they’re stupid?”

And here are some more of our favs:
You could hide your own Easter eggs.
You’re the reason we have warning labels.
You’re useful as a chocolate teapot.
And of course some wisdom from Captain Malcom Reynolds from Firefly:
“I’m guessing you weren’t burdened with an overabundance of schooling.”
“Don’t strain your brain trying. You might break something.”
Source: r/AskReddit
What are your fav euphemisms for telling people that they’re stupid? Post them in the comments below!
well, don’t you just think you’re the brightest knife in the drawer.
Geek version: ‘They’re not firing on all thrusters.”
Wisdom constantly tries to catch up to you, yet you are always faster.
I see you haven’t been blessed with an abundance of education.
I don’t think he has 2 brain cells left to rub together to spark a coherent thought
His train of thought is still boarding at the station
You put the dumb in dumbfounded.