Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age

Sunny Moraine tweeted this thought provoking thread about the generational confusion surrounding millennials and how confused everyone is about their age. It is increasingly hard for millennials to make sense of their own age. On top of that it seems everyone is confused about how old millennials actually are.

Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age
Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age
Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age
Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age

Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age
Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age
Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age

Source: Sunny Moraine

Can any millennials out there relate to this? Let us know in the comments below!

6 thoughts on “Everyone is Confused About Millennials Age

  1. This is exactly what is wrong with millennials. Worrying about whether or not you are an adult, as if being an adult was a *thing*! Worrying about skinny jeans and if there is an age when you have to stop wearing them. All the other generations just get on and *live their lives*. They don’t introspectively wonder if they are doing it right. You don’t have a house? It only matters if it matters to you. You’ve been screwed over by earlier generations? We didn’t know what the heck we were doing either. We just got on and did it. It’s your turn now. Just get on and do it!

    1. You say to just get on and do it. But clothing was told to us to be a major benchmark. We are a major in between culture. Our parents had very set conditions on clothes growing up and made us aware that certain clothes were “kid” clothes and certain clothes were “adult/business” clothes. Now the culture has changed to not needing that benchmark and the parents that told us those strick rules, are saying wear what ever you want, just do you. It’s very conflicting.

  2. You both have a point. What sets Millennials apart from previous generations is just their self-awareness, which can be both a blessing as well as a curse.

  3. Gen X has always been self-aware. But nobody cares. Not even GenX. We look at Milennials and Boomers and wonder what it would be like if people cared about us enough to wonder when we counted ourselves adults for me it’s was buying a hose at 30. Or what we think about skinny jeans. I’m 54, I wear them. Genx does not care about what others think since they don’t care what we think. We know we get to decide these things for ourselves because we have been doing that since we were 8 year old latchkey kids in the 70s in the middle of the oil crisis and Iran hostage crisis

  4. And people make her point about the other generations not getting it for her, well done.

  5. Part of what sets us Millenials apart is the monumentally shitty economic hand we were dealt in our adult-forming years, which legit set a bunch of us back 5-10 years. That economic delay also delayed a lot of our social and demographic milestones like getting married, having kids, buying a house, finding a career-job, and saving for retirement. We’re coming from behind and a lot of us got stuck in survival mode… I feel like it’s the equivalent of our Depression-era grandparents still saving every plastic butter tub just in case. It’s objectively not necessary anymore, but it got baked into pie in their formative years, so now it’s just permanent. Our formative years were spent being grateful to have *a* job, any job (and then we did it again during the pandemic), so we’re completely risk-averse career-wise. But we were also told to ‘follow our dreams’ as kids, so now we’re being held hostage by a paycheck and health insurance while our souls die. The knowledge that we’re the first generation in living memory to be worse off than our parents in multiple metrics is depressing, to say the least.

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