This is an awesome fantasy concept idea for a fighting order who believe that patience and precision are the most important skills in a warrior and they instill these skills through embroidery. This may sound crazy, but this post makes some really good points as to how this could make sense! The Women in Fantasy Fiction Who Sew is also a good read. It’s about how women in fantasy fiction who sew/embroider always get painted as the weak, boring, anti-feminist characters. And they shouldn’t be.

In a roleplaying campaign by the best GM and best male friend I have ever known, I had a character who hailed from a culture with magical embroidery. Belt sashes, panels of clothing were embroidered with thread, beads of natural material, quills, plant fibers and other things, with patterns that imbued the object with a spell-like effect depending on the intricacy of the work and the size of the pattern. It was also something like a simplistic language, with certain patterns working like ‘hieroglyphs’.