Arwenia Cosplay looks incredible as her genderbent Guldan cosplay from the MMORPG video game World of Warcraft! Gul’dan, aka “Darkness Incarnate” and “The Destroyer of Dreams” is one of the main antagonists of the Warcraft franchise. Her costume, props and makeup are all amazing with so much attention to detail. The design is based off an original fan art piece which you can see below. Here’s what she had to say:
“Hello Everyone, here u can see my female Guldan from World of Warcraft. The original Artwork is from Zach Fischer Illustration. I’m a geek girl because I love it to play the complete day from morning to night, and watch series and movies. My favourite game as you can see in my cosplay is World of Warcraft. Hope you like it “

Cosplayer: Arwenia Cosplay
Artwork: Zach Fischer Illustration
Photographers: Fotograf-13 & Michael Peters Photography
(via: Geek Girls)