Feminism is Having a Wardrobe Malfunction – Comic

This “Feminism is Having a Wardrobe Malfunction” comic by Ro Salarian shows how some people act in the name of feminism. But if you are doing this you are not a good feminist. Feminists should support every woman’s right to dress as revealing or modest as they choose. It’s a personal choice and should always be up to the individual. No one should be discriminated against for their personal choices. Even if it seems “wrong” to you, remember you are not everyone’s moral authority. You don’t get to dictate to others what is right or wrong for them. No one’s saying you have to like it, but there’s no need to lecture and berate people for their choices. This comic nicely illustrates this hypocrisy and here’s what the artist said about their inclusive brand of feminism:

“Feminism is having a wardrobe malfunction.

Does your brand of feminism remove barriers for women, or simply move them around? Does is expand options for women, or does it just shift them? You don’t liberate women by forcing them to choose option B instead of option A. What is comfortable for you might not be comfortable for someone else, and it’s entirely possible that what you see as oppressive, other women find comfortable or even downright liberating.

Before you think the girl in the middle is a strawman, let me tell you I used to be her, back in my misguided youth. I considered myself the standard to which other people should adhere. But that was stupid. It’s not up to me to tell people how to dress, and it’s much nicer to let everyone choose for themselves.

Some women would feel naked without a veil. Some women would find it restrictive. Some women would feel restricted by a bra. Some women would feel naked without one. Some women would feel restricted by a tight corset. Others love them. Some wear lots of clothes with a corset. Some only wear the corset and nothing else. What makes any article of clothing oppressive is someone forcing you to wear it. And it’s just as oppressive to force someone not to wear something that they want to wear.”

Feminism is Having a Wardrobe Malfunction - Comic

Feminism is Having a Wardrobe Malfunction - Comic

Artist: Ro Salarian

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