The Nifty Fox drew this wonderful comic about gender gatekeeping. Thankfully the gatekeeper in this comic is terrible at it! The artist said they posted this comic for two reasons:
“1) it’s to tell all who follow me that, it doesn’t matter how you want to present yourself. What you want to wear. What you want for your body. What’s in your pants. So long as you aren’t hurting anybody else, you DESERVE to LIVE YOUR LIFE exactly how YOU want to, and your feelings are VALID.
2) it’s to tell people who act like gatekeepers – who claim to have some god like power of deciding what is acceptable and what isn’t – that they’re being twats. Fools. Idiots. If you act like this I want you to tell me what makes YOU judge jury and executioner on a complete strangers sexuality and gender? Whose life and emotions you don’t know? Whose context you’re completely removed from? I think you should look inside yourself and ask why do you feel like you need to control the lives of other people so strongly.”

Artist: The Nifty Fox
(This site is LGBTQ+ friendly. We will not tolerate any hate speech, discrimination, bigotry, or gender gatekeeping in the comments below. Thank you.)