This Genderfluid Loki Comic Is Pretty Much Canon

LOL! This sweet genderfluid Loki comic Teckmonky about Loki and Thor is basically canon! Loki is of course openly gender-fluid and bisexual. Loki’s brother Thor is really not phased at all by Loki’s gender fluidity. Probably since he has always been known to shift between genders. There are plenty of references to Loki’s gender fluidity in Marvel comic book canon. His shapeshifting abilities allow him to adopt both masculine and feminine features so he is often depicted as being both man and woman. Hopefully that will be included in the Marvel Cinematic Universe too someday!

We love how the mighty Thor is conscious of using the correct pronouns and even apologies when Loki corrects him. No matter what Loki puts his brother through Thor is still willing to be a supportive big brother, even when Loki may not deserve it. Anyway the artist has one simple message to go along with this genderfluid Loki comic… be supportive like Thor!

Genderfluid Loki Comic

Artist: Teckmonky

Be sure to check out the artist’s gallery! She is a huge Loki fan and has lots more cute Loki comics and Loki fan art. She’s drawn many beautiful female Loki depictions and other genderfluid Loki comics and more!

3 thoughts on “This Genderfluid Loki Comic Is Pretty Much Canon

  1. Loki, Thor, and the realm of Asgard in general is based (loosely in some ways) off of Norse mythology, dated back to around 1000 AD, and Loki is frequently depicted as being gender fluid, or shape-shifting and changing genders, in addition with changing into animals. They are also the ‘mother’ or person who gave birth to some of their children (ex. Sleipner), so Marvel including their gender-fluidity in the canon would be awesome to see as a nod to the original myths! (Sorry if that sounded like a lecture, mythology is a special interest)

    1. Completely, and don’t apologize for info-dumping, especially here! However, I don’t think we’ll get to see that in the MCU. Tom has said after Loki season 2, he’s done with the role, though a later interview has said he may come back. But, Loki DEF is genderfluid canon in the comics (femme Loki is very distracting for Deadpool, as I’m sure you can imagine).

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