baileyanastas tweeted this story about a girl in her class who always asked questions that were perceived as “stupid” or “silly”. This completely goes against the well known saying, “There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers”, which I tend to agree with in most cases. Carl Sagan himself said, “There are naïve questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question”. Anyway, her reason for asking the question is revealed and this turns out to be a story about true friendship:

Artist: baileyanastas
(via: Geek Girls)
ok so did the shy girl help her with the exams? and was the dumb girl rly dumb or not?
The shy girl was too afraid to ask questions. The question asker was smart but was asking questions to help the shy girl.
Also, anyone who thinks asking questions makes you dumb is a bit on the slow end themselves. The best students in most classes as the most questions because we need clarification and are processing and dissecting the material.
Average people don’t ask questions, they just assume they understand rather than making absolutely sure.