This viral Reddit AITA thread asks “Am I the asshole for choosing to spend the weekend with my dog rather than my boyfriend?”. Here’s the story about how this girlfriend chooses her dog to go on a trip instead of her boyfriend:

Source: r/AmItheAsshole
(via: Pupperish)
So after reading the story, who do you think is the asshole here? Let us know in the comments below!
I don’t think you are the AH. I love my pets as well and fully appreciate their emotional needs as well as my SO. We have a beautiful Maine Coon we found abandoned before he was finished nursing. We tried making him comfortable in a box but he cried so piteously we made a spot between un on the bed and he’s slept there for 12 years now. My SO tried locking him out of the bedroom but again he cried and scratched at the carpet until we let him in. If she gets close to me in bed our cat lays on our arms until we make space between us for him to lye in. I think since you are spending weekends away with your BF that’s it’s great you make time for your dog because they leave our lives way to soon and you remember the things you didn’t do much more than all the things you did do. I hope your dog had a great time!
NTA. No one is really at fault here, but I would advise that the OP consider that if the boyfriend is not understanding that a pet is a lifetime commitment to essentially a baby, then it’s only going to get worse in the future.