LOL! This is a very amusing little fantasy thread about a goblin detecting sword. The sword is definitely racist:

Internet & Geek Culture
LOL! This is a very amusing little fantasy thread about a goblin detecting sword. The sword is definitely racist:
This is an amusing post about goblin cuisine and a neat concept for food preservation for different races. This of course would lead to fantasy food fusion. I for one would love to try some elf/orc fusion... looks like meats back on the menu boys! {{CODE1}} (via: Troy Nelson) Would…
firebirdeternal posted these great ideas for goblin culture and orc spirituality in fantasy! Instead of just saying, "oh all goblins / orcs are evil, we just kill them", it would be nice to sometimes go into why their cultures act certain ways. Like even though the Dungeons & Dragons source…
Filibusterfrog creates great art and fantasy worldbuilding stuff! This post is about goblins and the myths surrounding them. And the artist also stated, "be nice to goblins or taste my blade". {{CODE1}} Source: Filibusterfrog
The Sword of Fartbuckle