Goth Elsa Cosplay from Disney’s Frozen

The cold never bothered her anyway! Blue Astrid looks gorgeous rocking this goth Elsa inspired cosplay from Disney‘s Frozen. She is an amazing goth model, tattoo artist, metalhead and cosplayer who follows the mantra “Everyday is Halloween”.

Wulgaria Evil Clothing made the detailed goth Elsa cosplay dress featured in this photoshoot. They are a gothic fashion designer who creates beautiful handmade dresses and are a slow fashion designer. Slow fashion is the movement of designing and creating clothing for quality and longevity. It also encourages slower production, fair wages and lower carbon footprints.

Back to this fabulous goth Elsa cosplay photoshoot because we just can’t let it go! It’s a fun take on the Disney Queen Elsa from Frozen since a little darkness is pretty spot on for Elsa. Keeping her iconic white hair was the right choice even though it’s a goth look and her makeup is also on point for Elsa. These photos were shot by photographer etamxsok and the freezing winter backdrop is perfect.

🎶 Snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I’m the queen

Goth Elsa Cosplay

Sometimes Elsa’s gotta let her hair down…

Goth Elsa Cosplay
Goth Elsa Cosplay

Cosplayer: Blue Astrid – instagram

Dress: Wulgaria Evil Clothing – instagram

Photographer: etamxsok

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