D’aww! We are Groot! As if we didn’t love Groot enough already, this excerpt from Marvel Comics Groot #6 about Groot and his oldest friend will melt your heart. This comic really is sweet and gives some great insight into Groot’s people and backstory.
Mr. Cody left this review for this comic on Goodreads and I totally agree: “Aw man. somebody get me a tissue, I’m cryin all over my iPad. Holy crap did this series have heart. HEART! And it all stars a Tree-alien that only knows three words. This type of comic is a rare gem these days. To elicit this type of emotion takes talent, real talent. Other writers and artists would do well to trying and model after this series. True character development leads to pure emotions. Superb.”
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“I am Groot.”
Source: Groot #6
Author: Jeff Loveness
Illustrator: Brian Kesinger
(via: Geek Girls)