nonasuch posted this fabulous little Harley & Ivy Radio fan fiction in which Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy hijack a Gotham radio station.
Radio could make a major comeback if we got this pair on the air! I’m fully here for radio shrink Harley, she’s the hero Gotham deserves AND the one it needs right now.
Also name a more iconic duo that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. I’ll wait.

Source: nonasuch
(via: Anna Vestergaard Holm)
Riddler joins in with a weekly contest. The first one to call in with the correct answer to his riddle wins a prize. The first couple of weeks the prizes are extremely impressive, until someone asks where the jewelry or car came from. After that it’s a small cash bonus and an autographed picture of whichever host you choose.
Penguin does one segment on how to dress well in a formal setting, and Maxie Zeus tells interesting stories from mythology.
Joker keeps trying to get one of them to let him on, but they just tell him he’s not amusing enough.
Which drives Joker crazy enough, even by his standards, to swoop in and hijack the station HIMSELF, which leads to the soon-to-be-fabled “Enemy of my Enemy” entry in Bruce Wayne’s diary. And also the hosts giving Batman shout-outs on air for helping them, until he sends them a cease-and-desist letter.
I see your suggestions and kindly request, call in on-demand bedtime stories recorded by Mr Freeze.