#1 New York Times bestselling author Tom Taylor is a comic book writer of Superman, Batman, Nightwing, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Star Wars and more. His twitter thread in response to the angry homophobes claiming that Superman: Son of Kal-El comic is “bombing” is amazing. They are angry because of the recent issue #5 in which Clark Kent’s son, Jon Kent comes out as bisexual. And even though we’ve had decades of straight love stories and plot lines in comic books, this is somehow an “agenda” to them. Anyway, these “get woke, go broke” idiots are almost always wrong. It reminds me of all the angry misogynists who claimed Captain Marvel was a “flop” even though it made over a billion dollars at the box office. So, as usual, they are wrong again as Tom so eloquently points out in this thread:

Source: Tom Taylor
So to sum up, no, the Superman: Son of Kal-El comic book isn’t bombing at all, it’s doing well!
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