This is a great post with many tips on how to change your diet if you want to be healthier overall. It may seem simple, but little things like drinking more water and tea, eating your fruits and vegetables, and learning to cook your own food can make such a huge difference!

Most importantly, cut your sugar intake to absolute unavoidable minimum, and your carbs intake to whatever is in the fruit and veggies. Instead, your calorie intake should be from healthy fats and protein. “Filler” carbs-rich foods like bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, anything made with flour is completely unnecessary to ever eat.
Probably the simplest diet to follow is:
– Don’t eat things that come from a prepackaged box. Simply buy plants and meat in bulk, you do not need anything else.
– Prioritize protein, vitamins and micronutritients, then good fats, then “bad” fats, then carbs, sugars absolute last.
– fast as long as you can in a day, to promote ketosis, autophagy, and control your insulin. Simply eat a big meal after work, then brush your teeth, then not eat until the next after-work meal. Done.
Remember, you evolved to be a long-distance running savannah ape that ate meat, roots, fruit and nuts, and fasted for days in between. Your body still thinks you live that life, and works accordingly, whether you like it or not.