LOL! Comic book writer Gail Simone and Cathy Brett created this funny comic about how to destroy the internet and it’s so true. Getting under the skin of angry, misogynistic nerds has got to be one of the best ways to harmlessly troll, and Gail has mastered it. Also if you’re not familiar with the “The Punisher would be a lot prettier is he smiled more.” incident here is a post about it. Reading that makes this even funnier. Also you’ll be happy to know that even though this is an older comic, Gail is still expertly up to her old tricks. See her tweet about the new Predator movie “Prey” below the comic:

Artists: Hey, Amateur by Gail Simone and Cathy Brett
And here’s Gail’s latest successful troll tweet that we mentioned above, haha:

This is how you destroy the internet, lol.