How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? – A Thread

LOL! This thread asks the simple question, how was Spy Kids 3 a movie? Asking questions about Spy Kids seems to be a theme of tumblr as we also posted the How Are So Many Well-Respected Actors in Spy Kids? thread. The obvious answer to both those questions is that they are fun as hell and Robert Rodriguez is a well-respected and genius director. But anyway this thread is still hilarious:

How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? - A Thread
How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? - A Thread
How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? - A Thread
How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? - A Thread
How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? - A Thread

How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? - A Thread
How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? - A Thread

(via: Ouch, Right in the Childhood)

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2 thoughts on “How Was Spy Kids 3 a Movie? – A Thread

  1. i love how the response to Steve Buscemi showing up on a flying pig is about how Steve Buscemi was in a previous film and does nothing to explain WHY he’s on a flying pig

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