Humans Are Destroying The Terraforming Industry

Admirable-Marsupial3 posted this fun little sci-fi story titled “Humans Are Destroying The Terraforming Industry” (also check out their Humans are Dumb story!) on r/HFY (Humanity, Fuck Yeah!). HFY is a subreddit for all media exhibiting the awesome potential of humanity. They welcome sci-fi, fantasy, and all other stories with a focus on humans being awesome! This particular story is about humans ruining everything, including terraforming planets:

Humans Are Destroying The Terraforming Industry
Humans Are Destroying The Terraforming Industry

Humans Are Destroying The Terraforming Industry

Source: Admirable-Marsupial3

(via: Imgur)

3 thoughts on “Humans Are Destroying The Terraforming Industry

  1. Larry Niven, “Known Space” stories, including such places as Canyon and Plateau and Jinx and We Made It; all places where the automated probe just happened to land on the ONE place on the planet at the ONE time of year when it was suitable for humans. Alternatively, imagine a remote probe to Earth splashing into the 70+% ocean, or landing in the center of Death Valley or the Sahara in summer, or one of the poles in winter (Yes, the penguins manage . . .)

  2. It’s no wonder the Puppeteers came to the conclusion humans are lucky (even though some of their luck, like acquiring a star drive just in time to use it to beat the Kzinti, was actually the Puppeteers doing).

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