I know you guys love those “human are space orcs” stories, but what if humans are actually the absurdly friendly and curious ones? I like to think we’re friendly space orcs, haha. Anyway here’s a little sci-fi short story about it (Stabby the Space Roomba even gets a mention!):

(via: Imgur)
Welll, it finally happened…
We entered the Varlomi sector and out tech person went suddenly quiet and what we learned to be a “grin” on his face.
At first, we though nothing of it, but as we approached the surface of the planet, they started squirming in their seat.
“I need to go to the bathroom” the tech said, and sprinted out of the bridge. We let them go, and thought nothing about it, as landings were tricky.
As we settled and opened the doors after checking the atmosphere was breathable, we set off. Our tech person had not returned. Whatever they needed to do for the restroom seemed to have been excessive.
So we scouted the place, made some observations and logged some life forms, to get a preliminary report. This was just a scouting run, so all of our information was more to ascertain what we would need for the long-term expedition that would be following soon.
So, as we finished up, we returned to the ship to find the tech person was in their seat, looking exhausted. Maybe after launching, I would let them retire until they got better.
So, we left the planet and made the jump, when we heard this hellacious cry coming from the back. of the ship.
I though I heard the tech guy say “oh, crap.” but I wasnt’ sure, as we all got up and ran to the back of the ship. As we approached the supply door, the scream happened again, followed by a dent in the door.
That is whrn the tech person came up and apologized profusely, and asked to be given a moment.
The tech – Joe – went in and closed the door behind him, there was a sharp cry, and then a moment of silence. When he opened the door, he had a small scratch on his cheek.
“Sorry about that,” he said sheepishly. He took a breath and decided to come clean.
Joe opened the door further, And there was a creature about twice his size, fluffy and full of very sharp teeth and claws, wagging its tail happily at Joe.
Apparently, the reason why he had run off to the bathroom was to hide. A few years before our scouting party arrived, a small team landed on this planet form the human world, and had made contact with the local fauna. They had taken some of them and made pets of them, shrinking them through selective breeding them to be a more manageable size.
Jos didn’t want that. HE wanted one in its original size.
“So, Can I keep her?” He said, as the beast came over to him, butting its head happily on his hand, and making a strange, guttural sound. v
After he said this, I understand why my cache-mate always talked about having headaches, and his exasperation with humans.
And, there was this one hunan, that upon us landing on a “primitive planet “, saw one of the local predators, a chiswalk.( A four legged canine-like beast standing a good two and a half meters tall, weighing a good 200 kg with claws that can rend a starship’s hull, and fangs the size of my leg, ). And, this human immediately said, “Oh, look at the cute puppy!”
I, as captain, told Human, Rose, “You must not approach that animal, Human Rose. They are very dangerous.”
Human Rose huffed and said, “But, it’s ssooo cute..”
“Human Rose, that thing will devour you in less time than it will take to breath. Leave. It. Alone!”
“Ok, boss.” Human Rose, muttered.
I considered the matter dealt with, and ordered the crew to scout the planet for any resources we could use, as we had been out many food stuffs, and repair material for many cycles. The crew immediately snapped to, putting on their enviro-suits, and going forth the explore and bring back the necessary items.
A half cycle later, I notice that Human Rose is missing. Which, honestly, is not surprising, humans being very curious beings. I figured she had found an interesting rock, or tree to study. No. She had not. After a few hours of some of the security team looking for her, I received a message.
“Um, Captain, Blizwark, you’re going to have to come and see this.Sending coordinates.”
I rush to the site, expecting to see the worst. But, upon arrival, I could not believe what I saw.
There was Human Rose, PLAYING WITH A CHISWALK!!! It would bat at her, with its claws out, and she would run to it, give it a “hug” and run away, as it tried to bite at her. After some time, the chiswalk became tired, and lay down to sleep, and Human Rose, just as tired, ACTUALLY CURLED UP ON THE BEAST to sleep!
I left a security detail there, for her safety, and continued to the ship, to log in what supplies we accrued.
Some time later, Human Rose comes back to the ship, with that chiswalk following her!
The security detail is following far behind them, looking very nervous.
“Human Rose, I told you not to approach those animals! Why did you disobey my orders!?”
Human Rose says, “It wasn’t really my choice, Captain. Chillydog, here was following me, so I decided to have fun with her. And, after I gave her some of my rations, she was very nice. Can I keep her? “
Gini Koch has written a sci-fi series (books) that has this entire point as half the plot of most of them. Humans … will bond with anything and also Humans … will kick anything’s ass.
Yes, the snark in her books is wonderful