What if humans were the weird ones to aliens? In the spirit of the humans are Space Orcs and Earth is Space Australia posts, this posts explores the idea that humans are the weird ones. This post really makes you think about our weird place on this weird planet:

The closest I think we’ve ever seen to this in science fiction is how the Vulcans were about humans for the first two seasons of Enterprise, as essentially our ‘sponsors’ to the wider galaxy…like “please don’t be weird with our friends over” and there’s someone streaking LOL “…they’re not all that bad when you get to know them…”
Then there’s the story of the Japanese Tsunami stones. Giant wave wipes out entire towns, so they build big stone markers to remind their descendants never to build below that point again. Until overcrowding happens and they start building lower and lower and the next tsunami happens and there’s a mad rush back up the mountain where they pass… the tsunami stones.