Saying “I don’t know” *is* a valid answer. It’s stupid when adults tells children that “I don’t know isn’t an answer” and actually encourages them to lie.

Internet & Geek Culture
Saying “I don’t know” *is* a valid answer. It’s stupid when adults tells children that “I don’t know isn’t an answer” and actually encourages them to lie.
hqmlet posted this good point about adults refusing to even slightly indulge in answering the questions or thoughts of children. It would be much better to acknowledge them and explain things, at least a little. That's literally how they learn. Should be part of Parenting 101. Here is some stories…
This is a really good point about how most adults don't play anymore. It's actually really sad that our society is built this way (thanks capitalism). We are taught that we’re only meant to spend our adult lives generating capital and recovering from generating capital and then doing it again.…
This post started by autasticanna is all about facts that adults don't tell you about bullying. This is pretty damn spot on and some other users even added more to it: Source: autasticanna
Or you do answer and they “don’t want excuses” there was no winning, it was all about control.