Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game

This idea for a horror / fishing video game by squidbiscuit is amazing and she even made concept art for it! I would play the shit out of this game. Fishing video games are usually somewhat boring after a while so this would really spice things up. And it would be pure terror for people who suffer from thalassophobia (fear of sea creatures). This is seriously a really original and great idea, why are we not funding this!?

Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game
Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game

Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game
Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game

Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game
Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game

Source: squidbiscuit

3 thoughts on “Idea for a Horror Fishing Video Game

  1. I’d play the heck out of this game, and try for ALL the endings. I mean, it’s “Welcome to Nightvale” on a lake. Or “Call of Cthulhu”. I mean, it’s great!

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