I would want Martin Freeman to randomly show up in every episode. Just a cameo where he walks past for some. Don’t know that he would ever needs lines.
Could we add Michael Sheen and David Tennant as background villagers that appear in various eateries, establishments, etc. and are always heatedly debating something completely inane?
I would suggest Colin Firth and Emma Thompson as the patient, long-suffering homicide cops whose investigation is actually proceeding perfectly well with out “help” but kind of like tho old coots and are hoping to keep them from killing themselves.
I would watch the everloving crap out of this
Any way to get the idea in front of the agents for these 4 extremely talented gents?
I LOVE this SO MUCH!! Please, please, PLEASE make it happen!
I would want Martin Freeman to randomly show up in every episode. Just a cameo where he walks past for some. Don’t know that he would ever needs lines.
Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes.

Would absolutely love a show with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. Let’s get them on board and crowdsource this thing.
It’s been 2 years. Why has this not happened?
I think it’s because Stewart has been tied up with “Picard” and he’s of an age where he no longer wants or needs to juggle multiple projects.
Please yes
Ian McKellen? He’s such a legend!! Sounds like a perfect show!
Should we get Olivia Colman to join the townspeople as well? She could play the queen of gossip or some other kind of antagonist.
I’m in. Maybe Joanna Lumley could be the hot woman that they both lust over…
Get Helen Mirren involved in this storyline!
Could we add Michael Sheen and David Tennant as background villagers that appear in various eateries, establishments, etc. and are always heatedly debating something completely inane?
Or maybe just making goo-goo eyes at each other.
Love that too!
Of course, then we’d need Georgia Tennant rolling her eyes at them.
I would suggest Colin Firth and Emma Thompson as the patient, long-suffering homicide cops whose investigation is actually proceeding perfectly well with out “help” but kind of like tho old coots and are hoping to keep them from killing themselves.
Sounds delightful. Would watch every episode.
Instead of Henry Cavill it should be Billie Piper – we can call it “Only Murders in the Village”
Please please soneone write this as fan fic