Sean Kelly tweeted this awesome idea for an Indiana Jones sequel starring his great-granddaughter. She goes around pulling off elaborate museum heists to collect everything Indy ever “recovered and return the artifacts to their rightful owners. Another great idea is Indiana Jones Starring Short Round. Anyway… It belongs in a museum, just not your museum. I would 100% watch this:

Source: Sean Kelly
Who would you like to see star in this movie as Indiana Jones’ great-granddaughter? Let us know in the comments below!
This looks like a terrible idea, just make a new series that has nothing to do with Indiana Jones. Stop trying to belittling the past films with current viewpoints
This is quite possibly the stupidest idea for an Indiana Jones movie. It makes Crystal Skulls sound like it was written by Shakespeare. So once again we’re supposed to watch another male hero’s accomplishments diminished and his legacy shat on by a supposedly strong young female lead who is just getting over wearing braces and pigtails and probably spends all of her free time on TikTok? I’m assuming this great-granddaughter is just another Mary Sue fantasy projection since, to quote you: “She’s only in her early 20s. She’s never done anything like this.” So we’re to believe she takes on this very dangerous and lengthy task, outwitting elaborate boobytraps and defeating dangerous gangs of career treasure hunters and thieves in her first attempt to step out of her safe space bubble? Exactly how would she accomplish these feats with no worldly life experience or training from anyone. By using the damned force? What the fuck’s her name? Rey Jones? And then after all that, to add to the hilariously unrealistic bullshit, she’s recruited by Interpol? Seriously… Get the fuck out of here with your “progressive”, feminist, straight-white-male-hating bullshit you no talent hack. It’s the creatively bankrupt, progressive jackasses like you with absolutely no original ideas who have ruined the cinematic and entertainment landscape.
Incels, I hate these guys.
Incel or not, they speak truth
Why are guys so emotional? Throwing a temper tantrum over a fun movie idea is just sad.
lol… they throw the biggest fits over the silliest things!!
“Exactly how would she accomplish these feats with no worldly life experience or training from anyone.”
Just add an experienced mentor to aid and guide her who dies in the temple as she’s returning the relic. (Probably while delaying the bad guys to give her time to figure out the last puzzle.)
Problem solved, without having to resort to a Mary Sue situation.
“she’s recruited by Interpol?”
When it says ‘wanted by Interpol,’ that means they want to arrest her for breaking into a museum and transporting stolen goods across international borders.
I’d have to say it a no for me too! All of what Indiana did in a lifetime gets done by a 20 something year old with no experience no special forces training, no military training or even archeology knowledge? Like it doesn’t even give credence but what most definitely would disappoint me is that they would stick some “Disney” kid and then “Disney” out the entire movie. Sick of Disney already watering down everything into a teenager/kids movie. Bring back real movies with adults doing what adults do.
Sounds so pathetically awful I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was written by Kathleen Kennedy
cuckdiana Jones and the temple of soy. hard pass
I would TOTALLY be there for this film. Look at all the GUYS who aren’t. What a shock.
I am totally in!!! Best sequel suggestion I have ever heard of!
Nah its a bad idea. You can make a strong female lead without shitting on the man who made it possible. The James Bond people know this and one is a woman. So shut the fuck up with the ignorant ass comments that only men have a problem with this.
Wow, really? That’s the place you go? Strong female leads are not a bad thing buddy
Spoken as someone who has never seen the movies. The Ark is stolen by the government, the stones in the Temple of Doom are lost except one (which he gives to the village that it was stolen from) and the Grail was never intended to go past the third seal. The only thing he ever actually took was the Cross of Coronado, which he thought it belonged in a museum because everyone related to Coronado was dead. Indy wasn’t a thief. Nice try.
The claim that Indiana Jones built a career on appropriating historical artifacts by stealing them from native cultures isn’t really founded in the facts of the character. This entire premise plays like someone who never watched the Indiana Jones movies, only heard them described in memes.
That’s what Netflix or Amazon would make so… yeah not good but sadly what the movie industry would make. Cute fanfic tho.
In four movies, the only artifact he was given the opportunity to control the providence of, he returned to its culture of origin. There’s no reason to assume colonizer behavior based on his track record.
So in! But she should be a bit older.
Haters??? Seriously? Sexist much? Well here ya go… So makes sense. A woman cleaning up the catastrophic messes men made, as usual.
Is that Better?
Right, so now let’s turn Indy into a villain. No thanks.
Indy was going up against truly evil people who were stealing artifacts for their own selfish purposes. These artifacts would have wind up in private collections, lost, or, far worse, their magic used to hurt others.
It’s possible to make an Indy movie – yes, with a female lead – that addresses the legacy of colonial appropriation without turning the story completely on its head and making Indy’s actions the main source of evil that the protagonist must now undo.
I’m very much a supporter of taking a fresh perspective with a more modern, enlightened approach to storytelling but we can do that without turning all our heroes into villains and villains into heroes.