LOL! This is a good point though, it would be fun to see more diverse fantasy animal companions. Besides wolves, birds or cats there’s not whole lot of animal familiar companions out there. My next D&D character shall have a pig, haha.

(via: Just Sock Thoughts)
Isn’t the kinda the premise of The Black Cauldron?
I wws actually going to comment about the Prydain Chronicles myself.
Though to be fair, she wasn’t Elonwy’s companion. (The only names I can remember are Elonwy, Fflewder Fflam, and Gurgi.)
Well, she was the Assistant Pig-keeper Taran of Caer Dalben’s companion, when she was out of the sty.
This is one thing Disney has always done well. Cinderella’s mouse friends, Pascal the chameleon, Heihei the rooster, Sven the reindeer — I could go on.