Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters

Charisjb wrote this helpful guide of things to consider when creating fictional black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) characters. Here’s what she had to say about it:

“This infographic is a small intro of ideas for artists and creators of all backgrounds wanting BIPOC representation in their stories. While I personally love and grew up with all these characters, it is equally important not to overly endear them so that we can learn where aspects of their characterizations fall short. Through educating ourselves, we can create more authentic representations of Black Indigenous People of Color ✨”

Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters
Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters
Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters

Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters
Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters

Artist: Charisjb

(via: Geek Girls)

7 thoughts on “Ideas to Consider When Creating BIPOC Characters

  1. Why is it ok for a black person to voice another minority? Like say in the case of Samurai Jack? A japanese person could of gotten that role and should of. Instead a black man took it but if say a white voice actor did this, they are seen as a bad person for doing so.

  2. Interestingly, none of the characters presented as sample images for the ‘dark skinned blonde’ trope are blonde, and all of them have pure white or silver hair, which doesn’t show up natively outside of people going gray due to age in ANY ethnicity. It’s definitely a concerning trope that must be minded, but these characters aren’t representative of it.

  3. Taking notes for when I’ll have to write about a Black keykid in my Kingdom Hearts fanfiction. (if anyone is willing to help, I’d be glad to accept it)

  4. You guys forgot about Latinos? BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. You took out the comma and didn’t even reference us in the article.

  5. Kinda weirded out by the idea that Kuzco’s shape-shifting was a BIPOC trope, I took it as just another Disney ‘Don’t P.O. a witch trope.’ (Okay, alchemist, but still…)

    Let’s get real-the most ‘esoteric’ thing about The Emperor’s New Groove isn’t the ethnicity of the characters, the architecture, or even the menu at the diner.

    It’s the family with two living parents. (Disney tropes will be Disney tropes….)

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