WTF!? SlotsWise came up with this crazy 3D model of what our hands would looks like if they had evolved for gaming. Thanks, I hate it. LOL, this is neat to think about, but ends up looking like a nightmare. Also without survival of the fittest being a thing anymore, it’s probably highly unlikely that anything like this will ever happen. Unless we start giving people finger lengthening surgeries, haha. Anyway, here’s what they had to say:
“Gaming has been a popular pastime for many people around the world, with some choosing to take it a step further and pursue it as a full-time career. Its popularity continues to see growth year on year as a way for people to stay connected and escape. But, with the human body not originally meant for gaming in terms of how our hands are shaped for holding controllers, what would they look like in the future if they adapted for optimum gaming performance? From the lengthening of the index finger to a shrinking ring finger – we’ve created a 3D model showcasing what our hands could look like when gripping a controller in the future.
In order to determine just how quickly this evolution could occur, we’ve also looked at the statistics of gaming, showing that consumers are gripping a controller for almost a quarter of the day meaning they could suffer from various muscle strains in their hands – could our evolution change this? …read more“
Here the creepy af 3D model images and video of human hands of they had evolved for gaming:

Source: SlotsWise