Robot Hugs created another meaningful comic that illustrates what it would be like if people treated physical illness and injury the way some people treat mental illness. It’s sarcastically titled “Helpful Advice”:

Artist: Robot Hugs
Internet & Geek Culture
Robot Hugs created another meaningful comic that illustrates what it would be like if people treated physical illness and injury the way some people treat mental illness. It’s sarcastically titled “Helpful Advice”:
Artist: Robot Hugs
This sexist movie pitch comic is painfully familiar. Thankfully, stupid sexist tropes like this in Hollywood movies are getting less used with time. But we still have a long way to go. Robot Hugs drew this comic about one of the most annoying ones and here's a few words from them about…
This comic by College Humor shows a comparison between what people say about mental illness vs what it's really like living with mental illness. The comic covers social anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, obsessives compulsive disorder, and depression: Source: College Humor (via: 9GAG)
This hand-drawn sketch comic by Sophie Wright explains her experiences with anxiety, which is a mental illness people tend to misunderstand quite frequently. She hopes this will be of use to some people - whether they suffer from anxiety themselves or if they just want to know more about it: {{CODE1}} Artist:…