Damn. A.R. Moxon posted this powerful thread on twitter about how men would react if the tables turned and we suddenly lived in a matriarchy instead of the patriarchy we’ve been living in for centuries. The thread has a unique way of pointing out just how deeply sexist and exclusionary of women our entire society’s history has been. There’s really no arguing with this (although I’m painfully aware of how many men will), it’s just the way it has been for literally hundreds of years and women are expected to just accept that and shut up.
At least is is finally starting to change now after decades of fighting for it, but the change is very slow and there is push back at every turn. He also pointed out in another tweet that you can play this exercise for many different types of people. People of color. Women of color. Gay people. Trans people. Native people. Muslims. Jews. Atheists. Disabled people. And more. Here is the thread:

Source: A.R. Moxon
(via: Amber Clark)
So how do you think men would react if we suddenly lived in a matriarchy instead of the patriarchy we’ve been living in for centuries? And do we need to rethink everything? Leave a comment below?