Miss Mentelle wrote this eye-opening post about about Instagram “influencer” culture. This refers to the phenomenon where individuals gain a significant following on the social media platform Instagram and use their influence to promote brands, products, and lifestyles. These individuals, known as influencers, have built a reputation and loyal following based on their content, expertise, or charisma. Influencers typically aim to curate an aspirational or relatable image that resonates with their target audience. The rise of influencer culture has transformed the way brands approach marketing and advertising. They recognize the potential of influencers to reach and engage with a specific audience, often with a high level of trust and authenticity. Influencers, in turn, gain opportunities to monetize their online presence and turn their passion into a career.
However, it’s important to note that influencer culture is not without its criticisms. Some argue that it can contribute to a culture of materialism, unrealistic beauty standards, and the promotion of products without proper disclosure or transparency. Others question the authenticity of influencers’ content and the ethical implications of their endorsements. Nonetheless, Instagram influencer culture continues to be a significant part of the social media landscape, shaping trends and influencing consumer behavior. This post is about some of these criticisms:

Source: Miss Mentelle
Sounds like a form of doom-scrolling, but instead of searching for something to be angry about, you’re searching for something to make you feel bad about yourself.
I’m kinda glad I never got into it. And I truly cannot stand influencers who act like that. They should know that what they are presenting is a lie and it DOES harm people. It’s like “keeping up with the Joneses” went digital and ramped up the intensity a million percent.
Show me more influencers having a nervous breakdown because their kids won’t stop fighting, they are behind at work, their laundry is in a pile on the floor, the dishes have gotten out of hand, and they just discovered that one of them has a medical condition and needs surgery they can’t afford. Show me the single mom with two jobs, the young entrepreneur whose foster child wiped her bank account clean before running away. Show me the guy who can’t get a girlfriend because he’s too nervous and awkward, can’t buy a home because someone stole his identity and ruined his credit, and is struggling to find a job where he can actually use his degree. Show me how people HANDLE real life. I want to see the coping mechanisms, the failures, the tearful joy at actually succeeding at something, the admissions that they don’t know what they are doing (just like everyone else) but are still trying.
But people don’t go online for that. We need to change the way we, as a society, value and utilize our technology.