Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

Check out this amusing collection of interview quotes from the actors who have played Spider-Man recently, Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland:

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“When I was cast, I jokingly was like, “What if I went to an American high school?” Marvel was like, “That’s amazing. Let’s set it up.” So, six weeks later I’m enrolled at the Bronx School of Science. And believe me, I’m no genius. I’m next to this very pretty girl who says, “What’s your deal? How are you here?” I said, “Let me tell you my secret. I’m Spider-Man.” And, she was like, “You’re f*cking nuts bro.”” -Tom Holland

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“Can I say one thing? This might be the most incredible day of my life. So, thanks for having me. You have no idea how much this means to me. I’ve always wanted to come here. So, here I am as a fan.” -Andrew Garfield

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“As an actor, you use your face to convey emotion. The suit takes that away. So, you have to figure out a way to do it with your physicality. My secret weapon in pretending my arms are dead. When I move, my arms swing around, doing crazy stuff. Or, if I’ve gone out the night before, and had to much to drink, if I’ve got a mask on, no one knows. So, it’s fine.” -Tom Holland

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“There’s a very cute photo of me at 3 in a Spider-Man costume that my mother made by hand out of felt and it was incredible. Unbeknownst to me, my agent sent the photo to the studio. And, I guess it worked.” -Andrew Garfield

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“During the upside down kiss, rain was pouring up my nose. The mask is on, and Kirsten pulls the mask up to here, and it’s blocking my air passage. I’d have to suck air in the side of my mouth while kissing her. They’d yell cut, and I’d just go *inhales desperately*” -Tobey Maguire

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“That was my first ever Spider-Man costume. Which, my lovely mum who’s here tonight kept for me. I slept in that thing. It still stinks today.” -Tom Holland

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“Before my last audition for Spider-Man, the driver was looking at me like and he goes, “You know what kid, I think you’re gonna get it.” And I was like, “Really, Why?” “Well, the kid I just drove there, he is so good looking.” After I got the part, I saw him again and he goes, “I told you.”” -Tom Holland

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“The eyes in the suit pop out. And we used to be able to feed a tube down. So, I could drink without taking the suit off. And, there it is.” -Tom Holland

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“I can’t help the way I was born.” -Andrew Garfield

Interview Quotes From Actors Who Played Spider-Man

“I heard about it. I saw it. And, it’s a photoshop.” -Andrew Garfield

“In Sam’s mind, I think I was the guy. But, the studio wasn’t sold. They knew I could act, but they wanted to see a fight scene. I did a screen test with a blue unitard, but it compresses muscles. I was in pretty good shape, so I tied it off at my waist and did the scene topless.” -Tobey Maguire

“I’m genuinely happy they chose Tom. He’s another brit. And, I’m not bitter. I’m not bitter guys. But for real, it’s been so good to let that go. Why am I still talking about this?” -Andrew Garfield

“For the first Spider-Man a bunch of us took a bus and road around. We snuck into a couple theatres and watched parts of the film.” -Tobey Maguire

“The suit is pretty comfortable. It helps that the movements I have to make I feel a certain amount of freedom. To move around in a way that I might feel funny about otherwise.” -Tobey Maguire

“I feel like a relate to Spider-Man. Because, I feel like a superhero in general in my life.” -Tobey Maguire

(via: Ranker)

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