Alyson Tabbitha is a super talented cosplayer and makeup artist who is well know for her transformative costumes. She not only nails the looks, but also transforms herself into a lookalike of the characters as you can see by her work! In this cosplay and makeup she looks very similar to Natalie Portman as Jane Foster in Thor: Love and Thunder! Here’s what she had to say about it on her facebook posts:
“You know there’s no way, one of my favorite actress (@natalieportman) and one of my favorite movie franchise, accompanied with some awesome armor, was gonna escape uncosplayed by me
All pieces of costume made by me! I think people tend to think I only do my makeup transformations & forget I can actually make my own costumes too! I’m VERY PROUD of this one! & only had 4 days to make it between work!

Jane Foster Cosplayer / Costume / Makeup: Alyson Tabbitha