This is neat and might help someone struggling with learning the meaning of the Japanese “-ne?” particle. So basically the Japanese word “ne” means the same as the British slang term “innit”, or alternatively the Canadian slang “eh”. And if you don’t know “innit?” is a short form for “isn’t it?”. Anyway, here’s the post explaining it:

(via: Fangoddesses)
Does your country or language have a word like this? Let us know in the comments below!
Interesting. I got the meaning from context.
Same thing in German, at least the northeastern dialect I learned where it sounds like half-way between “new” and “nuh” to my ears. I learned the meaning in context only from the tone of voice. The different tones can range between the standard German “Nicht wahr?” (Isn’t it?) all the way to the English “No, not at all.”