RedPandaWrites tweeted this wonderful thread about a court case in Sweden that ended up in a landmark verdict for recognizing Queer Platonic Relationships (QPRs). A QPR is a intimate, but non-sexual, non-romantic relationship that is beyond what most would consider to be a friendship. The concept originates in aromantic and asexual spaces in the LGBTQ+ community.

Source: RedPandaWrites
(via: Trans Army)
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This sort of thing annoys me and shows that western society is just ridiculous now. To all intents and purposes these two people were co-habitants. They shared a living space and even finances. I don’t know for how long but I presume a while due to the fact it went to court.
Anyhow, common sense and decency says the immaterial materials goods should go to the bereft partner, as stated in the will. But no. The family comes out of the woodwork to argue simply because money and land etc was involved.
I really don’t like folk.