elidyce wrote this awesome reply to the sci-fi writing prompt: “Science fiction is full of first contact stories, but is there a such thing as LAST contact? Decide exactly what that means, and write about it.” This story about last contact with a species is pretty heartbreaking, but is a beautiful testament to human reverence:

Source: elidyce
So beautiful!
I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Darn onion ninjas. I really should know better than to read these before I go to work.
Same here, but I am doing this to myself during a lunch break – maybe not the smartest decision, but continuing the day with a newfound hope for kindness is a nice feeling, after all
If only humans were actually like that.
Maybe when our species is able to travel to distant star systems, we will have grown up enough to be like that.
That is exactly what I hope.
We are. Just, unfortunately, not *always*.
Indeed. Humans are as capable of nobility, self-sacrifice and compassion as we are carnage and depravity. We are a complicated species, caught between the rising ape and falling angel.
Well done!
Abolutely wonderful!