This is an interesting thought, that leaving your hometown in your 20s is a life hack. I agree that life experience is so important because it opens you up to new people and therefore new way of thinking and living. What do you think?

(via: A Woman’s Soul)
What do you think about leaving your hometown when you’re young? Did you do it or not? Let us know in the comments below!
Great advice, until you have to go back there
Spooky that this pops up on my newsfeed on the Anniversary of leaving my hometown of 22 years.
Best decision I ever made, and a timely one. Ended up moving 3000km+, met the love of my life after 12months and never looked back or regretted a thing. I’m forever grateful to my parents for giving me the confidence (and push out the door) to do it.
Here I am, 25 years later.
Your life is your own. No-one can live it for you.
I come up a dozen miles and a dozen years away from Janis Jo Joplin, rest her soul – and like her, I got out as soon as I could.